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The antperialist (ziyad)

leafcutter ant amoimyrmex amoimyrmex striatus

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#1 Offline Ziyadtheantperialist - Posted February 29 2024 - 8:20 AM



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Hi, my first time founding a queen leafcutter (amoimyrmex striatus)

I had the queen delivered on 28/2/24.

She was healthy, with couple of eggs and larvae and abit of fungus.

I removed the leaves in the tub and gave her a fresh leave ripped up.

She had been tending to her fungus and cleaning the eggs


Queen had moved bits of fungus around. Brought. Tiny piece with the larvae towards the leaf and kep the eggs on a separate fungus piece.
  • futurebird and Artisan_Ants like this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: leafcutter, ant, amoimyrmex, amoimyrmex striatus

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