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Some solitary stingless bee living in cacti pot ID

Best Answer AntPhycho , June 2 2019 - 9:53 AM


I feel it is of the genus Andrena (mining bee) as they make subterranean nests (hence the cactus pot). Almost looks like Andrena lauracea although I doubt it as these are extremely rare. Most likely Andrena clarkella.

Ah, you are right that it is mining bee, only issue is that I'm from Europe ( forgot to mention that part ). Quick google search suggested Andrena fulva except they are covered in red hair, which isn't the case with the one I took picture of.


In this case I would think it would be Andrena carantonica(scotica)? 

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#1 Offline GeorgeK - Posted June 2 2019 - 6:42 AM


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So uh, yeah, as the title says I found some cool looking bee entering the soil beneath the cactus and I managed to snap albeit bad, but a picture nonetheless.

I forgot to mention that the location is Northern Serbia, Europe.

Edited by GeorgeK, June 2 2019 - 9:14 AM.

#2 Offline AntPhycho - Posted June 2 2019 - 8:48 AM


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I feel it is of the genus Andrena (mining bee) as they make subterranean nests (hence the cactus pot). Almost looks like Andrena lauracea although I doubt it as these are extremely rare. Most likely Andrena clarkella.

Edited by AntPhycho, June 2 2019 - 9:51 AM.

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#3 Offline GeorgeK - Posted June 2 2019 - 9:19 AM


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I feel it is of the genus Adrena (mining bee) as they make subterranean nests (hence the cactus pot). Almost looks like Adrena lauracea although I doubt it as these are extremely rare. Most likely Adrena clarkella.

Ah, you are right that it is mining bee, only issue is that I'm from Europe ( forgot to mention that part ). Quick google search suggested Andrena fulva except they are covered in red hair, which isn't the case with the one I took picture of.

#4 Offline AntPhycho - Posted June 2 2019 - 9:53 AM   Best Answer


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I feel it is of the genus Andrena (mining bee) as they make subterranean nests (hence the cactus pot). Almost looks like Andrena lauracea although I doubt it as these are extremely rare. Most likely Andrena clarkella.

Ah, you are right that it is mining bee, only issue is that I'm from Europe ( forgot to mention that part ). Quick google search suggested Andrena fulva except they are covered in red hair, which isn't the case with the one I took picture of.


In this case I would think it would be Andrena carantonica(scotica)? 

Edited by AntPhycho, June 2 2019 - 9:55 AM.

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