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Looking for Ant Help (Portland, OR)


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3 replies to this topic

#1 Offline AntBoy - Posted August 13 2018 - 2:05 PM



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I'm a mom in Portland, OR looking for info/advice on starting an ant colony. My son who will be 12 this month has asked for an ant habitat (I suppose that's not the right technical term) that has the queen and nests and workers. I think he is ready. However, as he/we researched what he would need we discovered that it seems not legal to have ants shipped to Oregon from outside of the state.


Is there someone who could tell me where ants are available for purchase in Oregon, and perhaps suggest the best types of Ant for a beginner. And any other helpful information. I'll give him access to this forum so he can look at the posts and research what is already here. But if someone has specific suggestions or even be willing to communicate with us... so we can be successful in this new endeavor I would really appreciate the guidance.


He is scientifically inclined and very serious about this. 


Thank you,








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#2 Offline EthanNgo678 - Posted August 13 2018 - 2:16 PM


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Welcome to the forum. You need to state your location to adopt ants. There is someone in Portland, Or that sells ant. Formica can be easy to keep just don't check on them too much. Camponotus is pretty easy if you don't mind waiting long for the colony to big.



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Plants r cool

#3 Offline AntBoy - Posted August 13 2018 - 2:33 PM



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Thank you so much EthanNgo678. I'll definitely reach out to them. 


#4 Offline Major - Posted August 13 2018 - 4:49 PM


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Hello Antboy/ Leslie's and welcome to the forum! As Ethan said, you must include your state in your profile information to make purchases. A good begginer species would probably be Formica, very fast growth, medium sized workers, common, don't bite/sting. Tetramorium would be a good choice too but they are very small. Camponotus are large but grow at slower rates.
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