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thinking about trying camponotus nicobarensis again. hows the venus from wakooshi?

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#1 Offline Geo - Posted April 17 2022 - 10:11 AM



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so I tried these ants (I was new) few years ago, queen died, not that long in.. I do think mistakes happened,  mistakes being, put them right into a  way to big of a nest, when I should of left them into the test tube at the founding stage.


not sure if any other mistakes happened but that was the major one I can think of... now I am thinking of trying again with these ants to try do a better job so obviously .. I have to rebuy things.. was looking at the Venus nest from Wakooshi... it's basically a small founding setup that holds the test tube etc. keeps it dark, also has a spot underneath to put a heating cable.



looking for advice.... tips just anything in general.



many thanks!



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