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Riot Ants Zootermopsis Angusticollis Journal

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#1 Offline RiotAnts - Posted July 23 2019 - 12:52 AM



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Almost 2 weeks ago I bought Zootermopsis Angusticollis from Wards Science it came with a little less then 30 workers and a soldier. I put them in a setup along with there original wood and soil. The wood was a dark brownish orange and the soil was a sandy soil with a lot of shiny bits in it. I poured the soil in and spread it around about 1/3 of my container to start out with. I put the wood pieces and the paper towel most termites were hiding in on the soil. I went outside to get more soil and the type I got was mostly loam with other debris in it. I spread it on the other part of the vivarium and made it mostly level but at the opposite end of the vivarium from where the colony was placed. I made sure to not mix the soil so the termites would get used to their new home. The termites seemed content in their home but I decided to add more rotten wood which was a very light brown I found from a forest. The termite started loving the new wood I added in and about half went to the other side and started feasting for the day but eventually returned to the paper towel. All was fine in the termite colony. They dug into the wood but never nested in any pieces. Several days later I decided to add a rather large piece of wood which all the termites moved too. They ate into the wood but not many ever went in the tunnels they made since they decided the open environment was good enough, they stayed under or on top of the wood. I decided to remove the paper towel since it was not being used much anymore but I did roll up some of the paper and put it in various spots just so they had some paper to eat. I never mixed the soil since if for whatever reason they wanted to move back into their original soil and wood they could. And they did they for no apparent reason moved back into the original place. They never dug into the soil they just stayed next to the original wood and ate it which was good since I got to see all of them. I don't know why since for a while they were content with the other wood. Some should start molting into reproductives soon I am excited for that.

#2 Offline RiotAnts - Posted July 23 2019 - 7:07 PM



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My termites have moved back in the big wood piece I think they do eating rotations or something like that.

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