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105 replies to this topic

#101 Offline Chromerust - Posted March 13 2023 - 5:45 PM


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Very useful post -- plan on making some of this this weekend -- bumping to relevancy once again


This thread is also useful to see the strange and angry inner machinations of someone I have purchased products from



Very useful post -- plan on making some of this this weekend -- bumping to relevancy once again


This thread is also useful to see the strange and angry inner machinations of someone I have purchased products from


Yes, some early feedback got a little dicey from you know who. It's been so long ago since I wrote this post, it's cool to see that it is still useful for you guys.

#102 Offline Chromerust - Posted March 13 2023 - 5:49 PM


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Hey everyone, I managed to recover the email account all these post notifications were going and had so many about this post. I can't believe how long ago it's been already, I was surprised how many of you have been using this recipe and have managed to make it with success. If I can answer some questions for any new members not familiar with this I will be around.

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#103 Offline Myrmecism - Posted March 14 2023 - 4:38 AM



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I'm relatively unexperienced, but don't ants try to separate their proteins from their carbs to feed their larvae? Wouldn't blending them together make it harder?

#104 Offline aznphenom - Posted March 14 2023 - 5:14 AM


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I'm relatively unexperienced, but don't ants try to separate their proteins from their carbs to feed their larvae? Wouldn't blending them together make it harder?

Yes. This recipe is bad and why byformica stopped selling his Blue 100 product. If you add sugar to anything, ants will "like" it. 

Keeps: Camponotus, Tetra

Wants (Please reach out if you have them for sale if you’re in the US): Acromyrmex Sp., Atta Sp., Cephalotes Sp., Myrmecocystus Sp (Prefer Mexicanus), Odontomachus Sp. (Prefer Desertorum), Pachycondyla Sp., Pheidole Sp (Prefer Rhea. The bigger the better. Not the tiny bicarinata), Pogonomyrmex Sp (Prefer Badius)., Pseudomyrmex Sp. (Prefer the cute yellow ones)


#105 Offline Chromerust - Posted March 14 2023 - 1:33 PM


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I'm relatively unexperienced, but don't ants try to separate their proteins from their carbs to feed their larvae? Wouldn't blending them together make it harder?


All I can say to that is the S. Invicta colony grew into thousands and thousands that eventually it became uncontainable and I had to terminate them. I also fed them meal worms and a variety of other options, you don't have to feed them just this one food all the time.

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#106 Offline Rrar - Posted March 19 2023 - 12:00 PM


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Nice recipe! I'll try it soon.

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canada = boring!!!!!

I want attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

also: Camponotus ca02 ( probably not possible though)

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