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Hello from DFW Texas

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#1 Offline OgienChomik - Posted April 8 2018 - 1:42 PM



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  • LocationDFW Texas

Hello from Dallas Texas!

I'm somewhat new to keeping ant colonies as I have a single one year old ant colony of an unknown species, although I suspect it to be the argentine ant. Over the past year I've kept a cricket colony for 3 solid generations only to have them die out due to lack of maintenance, and a super worm colony that is currently on it's second generation with the first generation finally starting to die out due to old age.

I've sadly killed many queens due to lack of understanding on how to continue the colony or even raise specific types of ants from their founding stage but I've learned a lot from them and hope to share and gain knowledge on keeping certain types of ants here. I'm an aspiring entomologist going through my first year of college getting my basics out of the way to transfer to Texas A&M (hopefully) and shoot for a double major most likely the second one being for agronomy as I would most likely be able to work more closely with ants and other bugs relating to ants and other super organisms.


I'm also currently starting a somewhat large butterfly garden in my backyard both for my mother and for a source of nutrition for my ant colonies and I somehow got myself into landscaping the backyard as well to bring back the wildlife and beauty it once had 21 years ago which was never properly maintained and kept my whole life.


As a side not I also play a lot of games as a lot of the kids of my generation do these days and I also stream to a website called twitch.

As I've said I'm really hoping to connect and learn from some seasoned veterans on how to maintain specific ant colonies that I hope to keep when they start flying this summer and maybe receive some guidance on a good carrier that I can build for myself in the future for researching ants, especially safer pesticides that will hopefully tell a large scale colony to move to another location rather than outright just killing the colony, and even for some ants establish pharamone barriers around houses that simply tell other ants of that species that this home is another ants territory and to back off (just an idea from learning about ants and how they communicate and probably a difficult idea to even remotely pull off but that's for future me to learn.)


It's a long introduction but I plan to stick around for a while and I want to make a good impression if I can!

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