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To. Möbius-Mark 13 'The World'

lasius spathepus lasius gypsum ant sculpture ecological art



To. Möbius-Mark 13 'The World'

mixed media, Lasius spathepus(Ant)

To. Möbius-Mark 13 "The World", Lasius spathepus live here, whose main material is gypsum. A piece consists of one room and there are a total of 17 rooms.
At the top of the sculpture, there is a space for storing water, and water from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius flows throughout the sculpture, providing moisture and temperature to the ants.
In terms of breeding grounds, it is an open breeding ground, and there is no separate case, and it forms an "island" in which water fills around the sculpture in the center.

The production process is available on YouTube and has subtitles.